Submissions and Editors
Submissions, Publishers and Editors
Want to join in the fun? Please send your submissions via email to: We will consider all submissions for art, photography, poetry, articles, fiction, humor, etc.
An Evening's Entertainment is a collaborative project. Catherine DeWolf and Frank Criscenti have created this online project as a magazine for adults. Everything posted on these pages has been agreed upon by both of us. Cat and I think that people of a certain age are cool and don't need labels to prove it. We hope to steer away from any political point of view and just want to provide the best in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art and photography. If you like our magazine/blog, please let us know and send your friends. If you have suggestions, let us know that too by sending them to the above email address, or with a comment.
Growing up in Illinois, I was what? Having a fraternal twin was wonderful. Writing since I can remember: disturbing to many, but interesting too. How many kids write about Tsunamis before they know what a Tsunami is? Off to California, to be a Rock Star, equal to Eric Clapton, without the talent. I learned “Stairway to Heaven” and read “Tolkien’s Trilogy,” and had an appointment for Pitzer College. Transferred to U.C.L.A. Still kept writing, traveled a lot of the world with camera and moved to Oregon after many adventures. Married, happy, squirrely, writing, and still mad and/or in love with: family, husband, friends, writing, music and the Ocean. Eccentricity has become a rather dull word.
Frank Criscenti has been a professional writer for over 20 years. He has numerous articles, blogs, short stories and poetry both online and in print. Currently he is working on yet another novel.
An Evening's Entertainment is a collaborative project. Catherine DeWolf and Frank Criscenti have created this online project as a magazine for adults. Everything posted on these pages has been agreed upon by both of us. Cat and I think that people of a certain age are cool and don't need labels to prove it. We hope to steer away from any political point of view and just want to provide the best in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art and photography. If you like our magazine/blog, please let us know and send your friends. If you have suggestions, let us know that too by sending them to the above email address, or with a comment.
Growing up in Illinois, I was what? Having a fraternal twin was wonderful. Writing since I can remember: disturbing to many, but interesting too. How many kids write about Tsunamis before they know what a Tsunami is? Off to California, to be a Rock Star, equal to Eric Clapton, without the talent. I learned “Stairway to Heaven” and read “Tolkien’s Trilogy,” and had an appointment for Pitzer College. Transferred to U.C.L.A. Still kept writing, traveled a lot of the world with camera and moved to Oregon after many adventures. Married, happy, squirrely, writing, and still mad and/or in love with: family, husband, friends, writing, music and the Ocean. Eccentricity has become a rather dull word.
Frank Criscenti has been a professional writer for over 20 years. He has numerous articles, blogs, short stories and poetry both online and in print. Currently he is working on yet another novel.
Poetry Editor--Con Valenzuela

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